It is a big blue world more alive than any other. This would be nice, but the problem we face is that there are less and less places from which to take our fish. It means they are caught in a vicious cycle, fish farmers. But, Well we have a fresh solution using such new-introduced smart aquaculture systems. The Wolize تربية الأحياء المائية الذكية make sure the fish are all good and in turn uses some unique tools or technology. The fish are so much larger, healthier. Fish farmers can grow more fish in a given area and improve the ecological return of their activity. This means the land provides greater food productivity without secondary impacts to nature.
Now days fish can be monitored 24 hours/ day by farmers utilizing smart Aquaculture systems The site is inspected every daily to sample the water quality, feed input and growth rates throughout life stage. If it is amiss or there are issues, they can correct the problem in time to protect their fish. Underwater cameras to see what happens under the water, sensors that check if it's not too cold in the room and there is no air — also automatic fish feeders. The feeding system, oxygen diffusers and blower have been loosely integrated such that the fish should be able to obtain just about optimal amounts of food as well as gaseous respiration for growth.
Thanks to these smart systems, Wolize is possible for farmers to produce more fish in less space. Wolize الزراعة المائية also helps them to earn more money and that too by saving the environment. They also monitor the rate at which their fish mature and what they are being fed, helping to grow superior flesh even quicker.
The practice of fish farming in the traditional way can have adverse environmental effects, polluting rivers, lakes and oceans. So both can be bad for the environment or kill bugs living in those areas. But new tech is one of the ways that these smart aquaculture systems make sure they don't pollute their surroundings and disrupt local ecosystems.
This ensures that farmers continue to meet water quality standards — and a host of other benchmarks needed to prevent species not native in an ecosystem from destroying the local ecology. In addition, the Wolize نظام تربية الأحياء المائية are able to use a variety of clean and renewable energy alternatives in order to power their systems which further lowers pollution thus lessening the impact on the environment.
لقد حصلنا على شهادات ISO9001، ISO22000، COA، CE، إلخ. لقد تم بيع منتجاتنا بنجاح إلى 47 منطقة ودولة وتم بناء 22 منشأة لتربية الأحياء المائية واسعة النطاق بأكثر من 3000 متر مكعب بنجاح. أنتجت أنظمتنا للاستزراع المائي الأسماك والروبيان في 112 دولة ومنطقة.
نحن خبراء في تصميم وتصنيع الأنابيب الفولاذية البلاستيكية لدعم أحواض الأسماك. ألواح PVC مجلفنة لأحواض الأسماك. يمكننا تقديم مجموعة متنوعة من الخيارات في معدات نظام تربية الأحياء المائية.
لقد كنا في صناعة تربية الأحياء المائية لأكثر من 15 عامًا ونعد واحدة من أفضل 3 شركات في الصين. لقد قمنا بتطوير تحالفات استراتيجية مع العديد من الجامعات الصينية الشهيرة، وكذلك فريق تصميم تربية الأحياء المائية عالي الجودة وعالي الكفاءة، والذي سيوفر لك أفضل المنتجات والخدمات ذات الجودة.
يمكننا أن نقدم لك برنامجًا تفصيليًا للاستزراع المائي يغطي جوانب مختلفة مثل تصميم المخطط وموازنة تكوينات المعدات والتخطيط لتركيب المعدات. يمكن أن يساعدك على إنهاء تنفيذ مشروع الاستزراع المائي الخاص بك بالكامل، وهو أمر لا تستطيع المؤسسات العادية توفيره.