Aquaponics is the incorporation of two particular forms of farming-agriculture and aquaculture-in one cool way to grow food. Let’s break that down! Aquaculture means farming the fish and aquatic animals, such as shrimps or frogs. Farming plants and crops is agriculture on the other hand. The combination of these two growing styles is what results in aquaponics!
Using aquaponicsfor growing food has many wonderful benefits! One of its major benefits is certainly that it contributes to the preservation environment. This is to say that aquaponics is friendly to the environment and can last long without it having some negative implications. As we consider ways to be good stewards of our planet, this is critical.
To boot, another fabulous feature of aquaponics is that plant grows essentially better and faster. In conventional farming systems plants require plenty of water and nutrients to grow strong, producing healthy crops. However, in an aquaponics system, the fish are enriching and even physically aiding the plants to grow. This in turn provides the plants with nutrients to grow. Afterwards, the plants filter (clean) this water and process it back to the fish. This works the way around and circles back to benefit both - the plants and fish!
Now what if you could plant your own food at the comfort of our backyard with no soil? And that is exactly what aquaponics allow you to do. The result is you can grow things like plants in water using nutrients made by the fish. This activity taking place between the plants and fish is known as Symbiosis. Just as much of nature, plants and animals rely on one another to live and prosper.
Also gives exactly how is aquaponics revolutionizing farming as we know it. Farming - as it has been done traditionally for thousands of years - is one proven way to produce sustenance. However, it can sometimes have a negative impact on the environment when farmers use chemicals like fertilizers and pesticides. Both of these chemicals are pollutants that can contaminate soil and water. Aquaponics, on the other hand for example is organic and grows food in an eco-friendly way. The method grows crops using far less water than traditional farming and can produce more food in a given physical space.
Is it a wonder then that aquaponics is growing in popularity everywhere on earth?! Aquaponic farms can be found in various countries, and some restaurants even grow their own food using this brilliant technique directly in the kitchen!
Nous travaillons dans le secteur de l'aquaculture depuis plus de 15 ans et sommes l'une des trois plus grandes entreprises en Chine. Nous avons formé des partenariats stratégiques avec un certain nombre d'universités chinoises renommées. Nous disposons d'une équipe de conception de systèmes d'aquaculture à haute densité hautement qualifiée, qui peut vous fournir les produits et services les plus supérieurs.
Nous sommes en mesure de vous fournir un plan d'aquaculture complet qui couvre divers aspects tels que la conception du programme, la planification budgétaire des configurations d'équipement, l'installation de l'équipement. Il vous aidera à terminer la mise en œuvre de l’ensemble du projet d’aquaculture. C'est quelque chose que les entreprises ordinaires ne peuvent pas fournir.
ISO9001, ISO22000, COA, CE, etc. sont nos certifications. Nos produits ont été vendus avec succès dans 47 pays et régions, et 22 installations aquacoles à grande échelle de plus de 3000 112 mètres cubes ont été construites avec succès. Notre système d'aquaculture a été utilisé pour créer des crevettes et des poissons dans XNUMX pays différents.
Nous sommes les meilleurs et sommes spécialisés dans la production de tuyaux en acier PVC pour soutenir les étangs à poissons. Bassins à poissons en plaques galvanisées PVC. Les systèmes d’aquaculture peuvent être équipés d’une gamme d’options.